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Rationale of the Space@Sea modular floating island concept

Keywords: Modular, Floating, Horizon2020, Space@Sea, Demonstration

Maarten Flikkema | MARIN

Space@Sea Business case evaluation

Keywords: living at sea, transport & logistics, energyhub, farming, business case


Potential benefits of using floating platforms for offshore Aquaculture

Keywords: Aquaculture, offshore, floating platforms

Robbert Jak¹, Marnix Poelman¹, Edward Schram¹, Halvor Mortensen², Kristine Fagerland², Stefan Matthes³, Martin Ecke³, Maggie Skirtun⁴, Sander van den Burg⁴

(1) Wageningen Marine Research (2) Val FoU AS (3) GICON Grossmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH 

(4) Wageningen Economic Research

Space@Sea  - Next Steps

Keywords: Floating Islands, future research, next steps

William Otto | MARIN

Space@Sea floater technical developments

Keywords:  floating multi-purpose island, heuristic design, detailed design, connector design

Ingo Drummen | MARIN

Gerrit Olbert | Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory (FDS) Hamburg University of Technology


The Space@Sea Transport&Logistics Hub: comparison to onshore and reclaimed land expansion

Keywords: Container terminal, modular, optimization, business case, disaster relief.

Dingena Schott | TU Delft, department Maritime and Transport Technology

Ioannis Dafnomilis | TU Delft, department Maritime and Transport Technology

Mark Duinkerken | TU Delft, department Maritime and Transport Technology

Living@Sea: offshore living quarters and floating city urban expansion

Keywords: living at sea, safety & comfort, design concept, social acceptance, business case

Karina Czapiewska | Blue21 BV

Design and Engineering of a maintenance hub superstructure

Keywords: Energyhub@Sea · Offshore wind maintenance platform · Energy self-sufficient

Frank Adam | University of Rostock

Peter Dierken | GICON GmbH

Moe Moe Aye | University of Rostock

Falk Wittmann | GICON GmbH

Clemens Schmitt | GICON GmbH

Alexandru Cobzaru | ICEPRONAV Engineering SRL

Design & Engineering of (infra)structure – Installation, Operation, Monitoring & Maintenance (WP5)

Keywords: HLV, towage, offshore installation, mooring system, floating installation

Alexander Jordaens | DEME

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