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Poster Instructions

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The following instructions will assist you when preparing your poster. You can also download a printable version of these instructions by clicking the link below.


Poster Instructions

Please remember to PREPARE, PRINT and BRING your own poster. You will have the chance to put up your poster prior to the start of the conference. The PtW staff will assist you in doing this.


Posterboard size


Size of poster: A0 - 841 x 1189 mm (Portrait)



Text on Poster


  • Use a clear typeface and, if possible, a laser printer.

  • The poster should be readable from a distance of 2-3 meters. This means that all lettering should be at least 8mm high, with a minimum font size of 24 and a minimum font size for sub-headings of 42.


Graphs & Diagrams


  • Graphs and figures should be readable from a distance of 2-3 meters.

  • They should be drawn with a minimum line width of 1 mm.




  • Includes acknowledgements, your name and institutional affiliation.



Poster Setting


Posters will be presented in the Exhibition hall of the conference centre.

The location and number of your poster (for example P 001) will be disclosed to you via email at a time nearing the conference opening date. (Please check your spam folder in the lead up to the conference).


Authors are required to mount their posters themselves (with assistance of PTW staff on-site). Setting-up a poster generally takes at least 10 minutes. Material that has not been taken down by the authors in time will be removed by the organization and kept only for a finite period of time for pick-up after the conference.


Poster Setting Schedule


Mounting posters: as of Monday, 05 October at 17.00 CEST

Dismantling posters: before Friday, 09 October at 13.00 CEST




Paving the Waves does not assume any responsibility for material displayed on the poster boards.




'Handouts', photocopies of your poster reduced to A4 format are generally well appreciated by delegates. If you wish to distribute handouts, please prepare them beforehand and bring them with you.




For your convenience please find underneath an overview of the above requirements involved:


  • Prepare your poster BEFORE you travel to the Pacing the Waves conference and that you bring it yourself.

  • Ensure that your poster is set-up prior to commencement of the conference (06/10/2020 09:00 CEST)

  • If you wish to distribute handouts, please prepare them beforehand and bring them with you




A date will be settled on the website calendar for ‘POSTER INSTRUCTIONS FURTHER INFORMATION’. Please regularly check the website for further information.


If you have any queries concerning the procedures, please contact

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