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Full Paper Instructions

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To submit your full paper please use our full paper template. Corresponding authors must open an account on EasyChair using the email address provided in your abstract submission. With Easychair you can review and amend your submitted documents as well as receive comments for your paper through our qualified reviewers. Instructions on how to use EasyChair can be found below. Please also take note of associated key deadlines for full paper submission.




(23:59 CET)

To submit your full paper please refer to our full paper instructions and template. Corresponding authors will find instructions on how to set-up an EasyChair account, communicate with qualified reviewers, as well as, how to amend and submit papers. If you encounter any issues when setting up your account please contact us at


Authors can enjoy early-bird discount to this date and have your presentation included in the program. For the exact time of your presentation, please refer to the final program.

FULL PAPER acceptance notification


(23:59 CET)

Once the full paper review process is completed, you will receive a notification with reviews by email. If you have not received a notification by this date please contact us via EasyChair.


If your full paper has been 'accepted with changes' the review committee will provide suggested amendments along with the notification email. Authors will be given 2 weeks to make revisions and submit the final revised paper.

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