PtW Thematic Blocks

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Platform Presentation
Full Paper Submission &
Oral Presentation
15 minute presentation including Q&A
*potentially subject to change
Poster Pitch
Full Paper Submission & Poster Elevator Presentation
2 minute presentation
*potentially subject to change
Full Paper Submission &
Poster Submission
Business & policy forums
Oral Presentation
*Optional::Full Paper Submission
3 minute introduction & 20 minute panel discussion
*potentially subject to change
We encourage all authors whose abstracts have been accepted to submit the manuscripts of full papers for a double peer-review. Accepted full papers will be published by Springer in conference proceedings. Please also familiarise yourself with the conference themes and objectives and refer to our instructions and templates for making your submission. We kindly ask authors to register for the conference in order for your presentation to be included in the final program.
Deadline for early-bird registration
(23:59 CET)
Authors can enjoy early-bird discount to this date and have your presentation included in the program. For the exact time of your presentation, please refer to the final program.
(23:59 CET)
To submit your full paper please refer to our full paper instructions and template. Corresponding authors will find instructions on how to set-up an EasyChair account, communicate with qualified reviewers, as well as, how to amend and submit papers. If you encounter any issues when setting up your account please contact us at
FULL PAPER acceptance notification
(23:59 CET)
Once the full paper review process is completed, you will receive a notification with reviews by email. If your full paper has been 'accepted with changes' the review committee will provide suggested amendments along with the notification email. Authors will be given 2 weeks to make revisions and submit the final revised paper. If you have not received a notification by this date please contact us via EasyChair.
Paving the Waves
In the face of climate change, overpopulation and increasing demand of resources, many cities are seeking more space for living, working, energy/ food production and recreation. The most common and traditional way to create land has been land reclamation. However, such a method has raised more and more questions about its environmental impact, cost-efficiency and climate adaptability on sea-level rise. An alternative to creating land is to build floating structures that could be of use for various types of activities. Floating development can adapt to sea-level rise, can be built fast and towed to wherever needed. It is less disruptive to marine ecosystems and can provide new habitats for marine life to flourish
By creating space on water, or expanding coastal cities on water, floating development can add values to sustainable urban development by making cities more resilient. Through creating adaptive “land”, excessive nutrients that will otherwise be wasted could be turned into energy and a circular urban metabolism could be fostered. This could contribute to developing Sustainable Cities and Communities (the SDG #11). With proper design, engineering and monitoring, our oceans and seas could be used more responsibly and sustainably which contributes to Life Below Water (the SDG #14).
For them “Paving the Waves” might symbolize the threat that marine systems will be urbanized. These two meanings of “Paving the Waves” are central in the debate in the 2nd World Conference of Floating Solutions (WCFS). The conference this year will therefore also include presentations on affordability, social impact and ecological impact, in addition to the more technical topics. With thought leaders and entrepreneurs in floating urban development from all over the world, we will explore how floating solutions can contribute to climate adaptation, the energy transition and social justice. We encourage you to join this important conversation. It is essential to bring different perspectives on this topic together and make steps forward to create a sustainable future on the water.
“Paving the Waves” symbolizes the main debate in floating urban development at the moment. On one hand it refers to ‘paving the waves for the future’. It is a synonym for taking the obstacles away for the wider global application of floating development. This includes the need to deal with regulations and encourage standardization to bring floating solutions from experiments and small scale local and national solutions to mainstream urban components to increase liveability of waterfront cities around the globe. The theme also reflects on the open question of how cities will bring urban planning beyond the waterfront. The way we can take advantage of the space on water is still an open discussion. Are we expanding the urban fabric over the water or will new urban configurations originate? However, some environmentalists see floating developments as a potential threat for marine ecosystems.