To live as seafarers on floating villages
Nicolas Bessec
We live on a blue planet seventy percent ocean-covered. Human beings only live on dry land. If we have a global view, then the world ocean should focus our exploration efforts to better know our planet. However, the ocean is largely unexplored and also very little taken into account in daily human life. What if, Mankind learn more about the principles of life at sea to transform its own way of life? This shift in awareness incorporated in daily life actions could allow human beings to live in harmony. To live as seafarers onboard floating villages is the way of life we propose to experiment. In our researches inspired by sailors’ experiences, marine life biomimicry as well as indigenous people's wisdoms; we identified that this way of life could be based on the following ten principles: cooperation, sea and land interface, regeneration, community spirit, coexistence, pollination, self-regulation, natural cycles, fairness and consent, resilience. Hence, the manufacturing process uses abundant natural raw materials, local production, short supply chain, circular economy, recycle and reuse, cradle to cradle design, biomimicry, low tech, and made partly with volunteering programs. Technically, we rely on the current state of the art. The activities onboard are co-built in accordance with the local needs in ports, rivers, lakes or in natural sheltered bays where it berths. The aim is to experiment, directly on the water, self-regulated and regenerative way of living in better connection with nature and people. Onboard, locals and travelers will share knowledges on ocean life and maritime culture. All floating villages around the globe will connected in a global community. This kind of seafarers life onboard floating villages is an experimentation of what a sustainable way of life human beings could implement also on dry land in order to tackle climate and social challenges. online.
KEYWORDS: Way of life, Seafarers, Floating villages, Sea life, Awareness, User Experience

Nicolas Bessec is a sailor and an entrepreneur. 10 years’ experience in digital transformation of traditional businesses. He is a start-up mentor, engaged in social entrepreneurship and impact investing. Nicolas is an ecosystem maker in all the fields he went to. In 2018 he co-founded, “collectif Les Vagues” in Saint Malo to gather initiatives aiming to explore and sharing knowledge about oceans. For the floating villages project, he is the project leader in a team of 7 persons.