Spatial & Amphibious Cities: an imaginary vision linked to the existing world
Giovanna Rossato
The purpose of this study is to showcase on the fact that, to properly confront the issues of climate change, the concept of resilient cities cannot be the only solution adopted and applied to existing cities. For example, the “General Plan of Interventions” of Venice for the safeguarding of activities, does not mitigate the intensity of the waves even as the water defense barriers (MOSE) are operational.
Furthermore, the months of lockdown due to the ongoing Covid -19 pandemic, motivate explorations about the world before and after Covid-19, and put in to question established habitat models.
Nowadays the concepts of “Spatial & Amphibious/Floating” settlements (flexible and dynamic) find applications and are response for social, economic and environmental changes.
This encourages to imagine and to articulate radical new possibilities of urban life. With the creative process as methodology, the world of ideas is not totally an imaginary world, an idea is a theory and a fact at the same time and formulating an idea makes it part of the objective world.
The result is to draw up imaginary “Spatial & Amphibious Cities” linked to the existing ones (e.g. Venice and New York) and coastline by suspended connections -as linear/bridge towns.
KEYWORDS: spatial, amphibious, sea, planning, idea
Giovanna Rossato is a Project Manager - Urban Consultant - Floating & Amphibious Urban Researcher (ARB Part 3). She holds a PhD in design from University IUAV of Venice focusing on "Amphibious City" and “Floating Architecture”.
Rossato has 18 years of experience in practical and academic works both in China, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, the UK, Ireland, Middle East and Italy. She lived and worked abroad (China, Kazakhstan and the UK) for 10 years. She has taught (Visitor Professor, European Expert, Lecturer) at Universities of Architecture &Academy as Cornell University (Rome), University IUAV (Venice), L.N. Gumilyov ENU (Astana), Chinese Academy of Governance (Beijing), SAI (Sichuan Administrative Institute, Chengdu), ICAADE 2019 (Warsaw), METU (Ankara). Rossato’s research is focusing on Amphibious & Floating urban/architecture development and on the “Shape of Future Cities”.